Monday, January 17, 2011

Who Approached the Empty Tomb of Christ?

1. Matt 28:11 - Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb.
2. Mark 16:1,2 - Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James & Salome approached the tomb.
3. John 21:1 - Mary Magdalene approached the tomb.
4. Luke 24:1 - The “women” approached the tomb.

Is this a contradiction?

No, this is NOT a contradiction. Why?

Just because a person is not mentioned in one version does not mean that they weren’t there. It’s possible that one author didn’t mention someone because it wasn’t of importance or it was irrelevant.

We have to remember that all four gospels were written by four different authors and had at least four different sources of information. Not all the information will be exact and specific. There are many perspectives we must take into consideration.

If John had said that Mary Magdalene approached “alone,” then there would be a contradiction. If Matthew had mentioned that Mary Magdalene & Mary went “alone,” then it would be a contradiction.

There is no contradiction here.

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