Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Solitary Blindness

I have not left you. How could I ever think of leaving you? I could never leave behind the one I have loved so much. I am still here. I am with you. I made a promise to stay. My word is good.
After all that I have given for you, safeguards my commitment to you.

Why would I leave my greatest creation, my prize possession? You are my child.

I am still here by your side. Throughout all the hard times and the struggles of life, I have carried you. You may have thought that I was gone but I never left. You were not looking for me.
When all the others in your life disowned you, I was there.

I was by your side. I have seen your hurts. I have felt your broken heart. I know your dreams because they came from me. I was there. I am here.

Behold my child, I remain at the door and knock. Open up and we can be one. I will be with you forever. Open your heart to me again. My promise is true and my love for you is strong. Nothing in heaven and on earth can separate us. We will be the same as one.

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