Monday, December 6, 2010

Embracing Grace

When I first became a committed Christian and re-dedicated my life back to Christ in 2002, I found myself searching for answers. Everything was new and I was excited about my new relationship with Christ. I started at a new church and began to grow and learn about God’s Word and how to be a good Christian.

After a few months or so, I began to become very judgmental and strictly harsh in what I was learning. I began to be cynical about things and started following the law; the Ten Commandments. Of course, at the time I was being taught that God’s law was about obedience and as Christians, we must follow the rules. After about two years, God began to open some things up to me. I was taught about rules, laws, religious obligations and the problems within church. God wanted me to learn about them and remember them. However, God also wanted me to leave and move on so I could grow more. It was here that I learned about God’s laws and religion.

I went to a second church and began to get plugged in and did this and did that. I was in everything I could volunteer for, within my job limitations of course. After about 4 or 5 years there, God began to move me again. God was teaching me through His Word. The Holy Spirit was revealing things to me that I never knew before. It wasn’t because of the pastor or the sermons that were preached. It was my own bible study and research that I had gained from arguing with atheists online. When I was challenged about my faith, I found answers. It was at this church that I found a blend of religious, spiritualism and charismatic believers. It was at this church that I was taught about the Spirit and things of that nature.

After about 5 years at that church, God moved me to another church where I would grow even more. I had finally found a church that gave me some meat to chew on and some thick drink to swallow. Everything that I had been interested in, studied and researched was here. All the controversial, harsh teachings and truth-filled sermons were here and I was home. I found community among the believers there. I found real people who had real problems and where the pastor was called by his first name and had admitted to being imperfect with life’s failures just like everyone else. It was there, and am currently attending, that I was taught about the true meaning of God’s grace and freedom.

It is here and now, that I have embraced grace. I really never understood what true Christian grace was until now. It was because of grace that has allowed me to renew my mind and my heart. I am still learning more about God’s unlimited grace every day. I am consistently learning about humility too.