Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lover of Horses

Ashamed is what we should be, for treating people that way. Yeah, we get angry and we are filled with great frustrations. We should love them because we were first loved by God.

Jesus demonstrated His love for us on a Roman cross, while we were yet sinners.

“I am so sorry” and “please forgive me” should be the words uttered from my tongue. Who can tame such a powerful thing?

Words can hurt.

Forgive me. I know that life is so short and we never know when we will die. One day we are here and the next we are dust.

So, let us not remain in these hostilities. You have my forgiveness and my greatest apologies. You need to hear this. You should know this.

Healing our hearts is our greatest need. I will never look back or live in the past. So, let us move forward in brotherly love. Forsaking ourselves and loving one another.

Let us remember who we are.

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