Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is The Creation Story Absurd?

My comment made about this video that was created by NonStampCollector on (

“What's the point of this video? Is it to mock the creation story or is it because NonstampCollector is bored and doesn't have a life? Just curious.” - MartyJSwizzle

“He’s showing you how absurd "the creation story" is, as if it wasn't already painfully obvious.
Why did god make a tree of knowledge? Why did he put a snake there to tempt Adam and Eve? Doesn't god already know everything, including what would happen if he put the snake in the garden with the stupid humans?” - CodaCola

“The only thing that's obvious is that NonstampCollector is utterly bored to death and has to spend endless hours mocking the bible and Christianity because he doesn't have a life with any purpose.
I don't know the exact reason why God created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, it may be because without the option of choice, there is no real love. God never put a snake in the Garden. The serpent was in the Garden, the bible doesn't say how he was placed there.
Yes, God does know everything and He knew exactly what would happen with the serpent in the Garden. God did not tempt Adam and Eve and He certainly doesn't use the devil, evil or a serpent to tempt people into disobeying God. The serpent was not a snake until after He was cursed by God. This is another reason why people who aren't Christians should stop reading what they cannot possibly understand.” – MartyJSwizzle

“So you realize that the christian god supposedly puts people on earth knowing full well all the details of their lives before they even start, yet you still think the concept of eternal judgment actually makes sense? Why? You realize that if god put your soul in a different body, you'd be living a completely different life, holding completely different beliefs than the ones you do now, right?” - CodaCola

“How does simply knowing the outcome of an event, change that event? It doesn't. Therefore, just because God knows beforehand what decisions you will make does not change the fact that you still had the choices to make them. Thus, your point is moot.
Did you realize that God doesn't make mistakes“ - MartyJSwizzle

So far, Codacola has not responded.

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