Saturday, January 22, 2011

MartyJSwizzle vs. viridismonasteriense - Part 2 of 3

The following is from an online conversation that I had with an Atheist on These are the comments that were under this video:

MartyJSwizzle = Christian
viridismonasteriense = Atheist

Part 1 of 3

I. The Flood

@MartyJSwizzle "Yes, I have heard of the word “genocide” and it has absolutely nothing to do with the Genesis Flood and everything to do with the Jews, specifically the nation of Israel."
Here's the definition of genocide: 'The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.'
Now tell me again what God did. He globally slaughtered everyone he deemed evil or unworthy, even the children and the animals. - viridismonasteriense

@MartyJSwizzle It's not omnicide because Noah and co survived. God let them live. How is this different from Hitler seeing the Jews as evil and systematically trying to destroy them but letting his 'chosen' people live?
"it is God’s judgment "
No, it's bad judgment. You really think there is a context or mitigating factor that could excuse total annihilation? Would Hitler have been excused of his crimes if the Jews had really been "evil"? Or if he had been an omnipotent creator deity? - MartyJSwizzl

@MartyJSwizzle " Sin and death is the natural law that is the result of disobedience against perfect righteousness"
If you think the God of mass-murder and slavery is a God of perfect righteousness I fear for you.
"God’s priorities are man & He proved it by saving Noah; righteousness over wickedness."
And did he prove it by saving Lot, who slept with his own daughters? Did he prove it with Moses who he ordered to kill thousands? Did he prove it when he accepted Jeptha's sacrifice? - viridismonasteriense

@MartyJSwizzle "Remember, God saved all the kinds of animals aboard Noah’s ark."
Remember: God saved only a few of every kind. The rest were massacred. If I kill everyone in your family but left you alive, would you call that the act of a merciful being?
", the babies weren’t evil but these are animals without souls & not made in the image of God; thus replaceable."
Oh, animals don't have souls? Prove it. You're done. Tell me why I should give a damn about anything the Bible says. - viridismonasteriense

II. Repeat

@viridismonasteriense - Yes, I'm done.
All you want to do is argue about it. I told you the way it is; like it or leave it. Trying to explain everything that you don't like in the bible will take years and I don't have that much time to waste on someone who doesn't want to hear it but only wants to argue about every little insignificant detail that bothers them. The bible never changes, the gospel is always the same, God always wins.

@MartyJSwizzle "All you want to do is argue about it. I told you the way it is; like it or leave it."
Just repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true. Actual proof and evidence does.
"The bible never changes, the gospel is always the same"
Somewhere right now there's a man translating and editing the Bible for a new generation, desperately trying to find a new word to substitute 'unicorn' with.
God always wins? Not when he's facing iron chariots he doesn't! - viridismonasteriense

@viridismonasteriense - Dear atheists, just repeating something over and over again doesn't make it true. Actual proof and evidence does. Unfortunately, we have the same very evidence, it's our conclusions based upon our perspectives that make us different.
Yes, somewhere another translation is being made. However, the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek text does not change. Therefore, the bible never changes, the gospel is always the same. Educate yourself.

@MartyJSwizzle Oh, you have evidence your God is real? Why didn't you say? Let's see some of it! You'd be the first.
Just because you have an opinion doesn't make it true. The burden of proof lies on you to prove the positive claim.
And until it is proven the default position is non-belief.
"Therefore, the bible never changes"
Yes, and that's why, no matter how much you edit it or superimpose a postdicted narrative upon it, the gospels will always contradict each other. - viridismonasteriense

@viridismonasteriense - My faith is the evidence. Do you have faith in God? No, you do not believe because you are spiritually blind and have succumb to the lies of the world that are taught about God, the bible and Christ by His enemies. How can I expect any less from atheists? I don't. Show me where and what the contradictions are; I guarantee they can be explained and resolved. Dude, I've been doing this for many years and no one has stumped me yet.

III. Contradictions

@MartyJSwizzle "Show me where and what the contradictions are; I guarantee they can be explained and resolved. "
Then let me ask you: , what did they find and who did they tell?
Who approached the empty tomb?
Is the Lord a God of Peace (Romans 15:33) or War (Exodus 15:3)? - viridismonasteriense

@viridismonasteriense - In Matt 28:11, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb. Mark 16:1-2 Mary Magdelene, Mary mother of James & Salome approached the tomb. John 21:1 MM approached the tomb. In Lk 24:1 the “women” approached the tomb. This is NOT a contradiction.
@viridismonasteriense - Just because a person is not mentioned in one version does not mean that they weren’t there. It’s possible that one author didn’t mention someone because it wasn’t of importance or it was irrelevant. If John had said that MM approached “alone” then there would be a contradiction. If Matt had mentioned that MM & Mary went “alone” then it would be a contradiction. There is no contradiction here.

What did “they” find? They found many things. What specifically are you referring too?
In Matt 28:2 an angel of the Lord had rolled aside the stone & sat on it. Mark 16:5-6, an angel was inside the tomb. Lk 24:4 Two angels were inside the tomb. John 20:1 MM found the tomb rolled aside. After Peter came to the tomb, the same two angels that were inside spoke to her again.

Again, just because a person is not mentioned in one version does not mean that they weren’t there. It’s possible that one author didn’t mention someone because it wasn’t of importance or it was irrelevant. You have to remember, all 4 gospels are from 4 perspectives & sources; they will not always be exact. If Matt 28:2 had said that there was “only” one angel, it would be a contradiction. There were at least 3 angels present at the tomb.

Who did they tell? In John 20:2-3 the women told Peter and another disciple. Peter ran to the tomb. Lk 24:9-10 the women told the disciples (apostles), Peter ran to the tomb. Mk 16:7 the women went and told disciples & Peter. Matt 28:8 the women went and told the disciples. If any gospel had specifically said that the women went and told Peter “alone” there would be a contradiction. If the women had told the disciples “alone;” that would include Peter as well. There is no contradiction here.

Part 3 of 3

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