Sunday, February 13, 2011

Loudman12 vs. MartyJSwizzle

The following is comments from a video on youtube:

MartyJSwizzle = Christian
loudman12 = Atheist

@MartyJSwizzle - I see so by your logic God creates a person knowing if they are evil. My next point then will be by your logic, rapists’ murderers and pedophiles are allowed to continue these acts until judgment day. 1) why would god allow them to be created knowing this? 2. What about the innocent people who even though god knew ahead of time will suffer? 3. Why does not god punish them there and then??? he didn’t have a problem killing every body during the BIG FLOOD!!!!! - loudman12

@loudman12 - omg, really? Serious? You guys just don't get it do ya? I am a Christian, we will never agree....ever! I am with Christ and I belong to Him and to Him alone. All this talk about why this and why that, is useless. You guys will never understand. Let's just agree to disagree. See ya on the other side. - MartyJSwizzle

@MartyJSwizzle I also notice that you did not actually answer my question ummmm what a surprise, either change the subject or rabble about Jesus Christ, well I give you credit at least you stay true to the same tactic. "you guys will never understand" oh but your wrong we do understand, that’s why we atheists cause unlike you we choose to think not become another religious sheep. £See ya on the other side ??? is this the best you can do sigh!!!!

@loudman12 – I am ignoring your derision and sarcasm. Why would God allow rapists, murderers and pedophiles to be created knowing that they will be evil and will continue until Judgment Day? The main reason is because God is merciful. You are a sinner as well, even though you may have not physically murdered someone, you are still guilty of the same crimes against God because you have been angry at someone.

@loudman12 - According to God’s standards, if you have been angry at someone, you might as well have murdered them because you have already committed murder in your heart against them. The same goes for rapist and pedophiles.

@loudman12 - I am not suggesting that you are a rapist, murderer or pedophile. I am suggesting that according the bible, if you have broken only one of the standards (Ten Commandments) that God holds as being righteous in His sight, then you might as well have broken them all. God wants men to repent and turn away from their sins and turn to Him.

@loudman12 - God desires to have a personal relationship with Him by putting their trust and faith in Him for salvation from God’s wrath that will be poured upon the unbelieving and wicked in the end days. Because of Christ, all God’s wrath from the OT was poured upon Jesus. Thus, for a time, God ignores people’s sins in hopes they will repent and turn to Him for a relationship.

@loudman12 - What about the innocent people, who even though God knew ahead of time, will suffer? People will always suffer, not always from evil men who do them harm but from the natural human condition that is in us all. None of us are immune. It is a terrible tragedy that people have to endure pain and suffering in this lifetime. However, I believe the reason God allows it to happen is to show men that they really do need Him.

@loudman12 - Only God can rescue the worst murderers and the world’s most evil men by transforming their hearts from evil to good. However, God can only do that if they are willing to change; most are not willing to give in to God because of their pride. There are many examples in the bible.

@loudman12 - Why does not God punish them there and then? The reason God doesn’t punish the evil people immediately is because God desires none to perish and wants all men to turn away from their evil ways and be restored. That’s why God is called merciful.

@loudman12 - The reason that God flooded the earth is written in the bible. Anyone can read it and find the answer. However, since most atheists neglect to do the research on their own, I will give the answer to you. Genesis 6:11-12. Also, if you go back a few weeks on this post, I already fully covered this topic.

@loudman12 - There, you have my answers. They are MY answers as I understand them. I know you will disagree, that’s okay but don’t tell me I’m wrong, even though privately you think I am wrong. I am not telling you that you are wrong in your atheism beliefs. Now, privately I believe that you are wrong but I’m not going to argue about it and try to prove things for the sake of disagreement because it does no good to bicker back and forth; it only ends in bitterness.

@loudman12 - I am simply defending the false accusations made against my religion by people who do not really know the other side of the coin (perspective). When I defend the false claims, I am trying to shed light upon what and why we believe. Are we wrong? Maybe, but it’s not your place to say so. It’s better to simply try and understand each other’s perspectives and learn from them even though we disagree.

@MartyJSwizzle Excuse me I do know the religion and the bible, I have studied both the old and new testiment and hebrew scriptures so I am pretty clued on to what is said. False claims, we are simply quoting your bible to you what is in there.

@loudman12 - Obviously, you don't know about the bible because if you did, you wouldn't be asking me stupid questions about the bible that you yourself can find the answer to!
Why do you have to quote the bible to me, I know the bible; it's my religion, not yours!
Go bother someone else. - loudman12

@MartyJSwizzle 1. Again the same assertion that atheists dont know. I was a former chrisitan so I know the story of the flood, that story has no factual evidence apart from the bible.

@loudman12 - This is no assertion, you don't know; that's why you are ignorant of everything I'm telling you. Concerning the Flood, regardless of "factual" information, it's written as is. Stop the arguing.
How can you argue with what's written? Believe or not my friend, it's your choice. Personally, I could care less whether you do or not.

@MartyJSwizzle Oh my god I had to read this one over a few times to try and make sense of this.You have done a better job then I have done ever "GOD DESIRES NONE TO PERISH" again factually wrong there are many stories which has god in the first person tell people to kill other people, the flood, sacking of cities and the killing of the inhabidants so again fail!!!

@loudman12 - Okay, obviously I am dealing with a child or someone who is disinterested in intelligent human conversation. Didn't I just get through telling you that in the OT, God judged people immediately and then because of Christ, God poured His judgment out upon Jesus? Therefore, God no longer judges people immediately but only until after the end of time. You have to consider the OT versus the NT, there are reasons why God changed his method of dealing with people. Stop the ignorance.

@MartyJSwizzle "ignorant of everything im telling you" no its simply i am not another religious automaton who spouts crap!!! and believes in a set of beliefs that were founded in bronze age

@loudman12 - I am not a robot. I consciously chose to follow Christ on my own and I chose to believe. The same can be said for everyone with a belief system. Atheists are not immune. I wasn’t the one who started this conversation, you did. And, what I believe is no more crap than what you believe; besides, that’s you’re opinion and opinions hold no authority. Stop the ignorance.

@loudman12 - Yes, if you weren’t ignorant of everything I was telling you, then you wouldn’t have asked me questions about the bible when you already claimed to be an ex-Christian. Again, why are you still arguing with me? Didn’t I just ask you, “How can you argue with what's written? Believe or not my friend, it's your choice.” I can care less what you believe; why does it bother you what I believe? Stop the arguing.

@MartyJSwizzle oh also it will be rather funny when we all eventually die and then for example the islamic religion is the correct one and you will go to hell for not believing in mohammed lol the irony there

@loudman12 - If I die and find out that Islam was the “right” religion all along, I wouldn’t care. Why? I am losing nothing by loving God and loving people. I lived a good life and raised my children right to respect people, to love people and forgive people. So what if I worshipped God? Why does it bother you so much what I believe? It’s none of your damn business anyway. Stop the Hate.

@MartyJSwizzle Hey I dont hate I suggest you look at my You Tube page and actually read the description of me. If you choose to believe then cool no problems of that I will defend any persons right to have a faith even though I do not believe in it myself. What I take issue is your position that Because #i am no longer a chrisitian, your position I cant understand the bible. When I read the bible many times and found some quite frankly stupid stories contained within it, I was told "You Have to
loudman12 1

it the right way" I am sorry but I read things for what is stated in there. I have been told many times by believers I will burn in hell for not believing in jesus. I have no doubt that you have brought your children up to be kind etc.... I do not presume to judge. However do you think it is right for people who choose not to believe in god to be called this???. I have never broken a law, I have always ppaid my taxes, and treated people right. Does this make me a bad person??

@loudman12 - Ok, I will go and read your profile description and it’s good to know that you respect other people’s beliefs. There is some truth to reading the bible; when anyone reads the bible, it must be read “in context.” In other words, you cannot take something from the OT law and apply it to the NT. They are different in their applications. The OT was written to Israel, for Israel. However, some basic principles are universally applicable.

@loudman12 - Furthermore, Christians are not subject to the OT law even though some OT basic principles may still apply. Example, when the OT says that Israel shall eat no shellfish, that doesn’t mean that NT Christians can’t eat shellfish. However, some basic principles are universally applicable.

@loudman12 - Unlike the OT, Christians have no rules except to love one another and love God. There are no other rules. Christians have full freedom. This doesn’t mean that it is acceptable to continue in sin; it means we should seek daily to turn away from the fleshly desires and seek what pleases God. Being a Christian is not easy. It is a daily struggle.

@loudman12 - I have no doubt that you are probably a good person. Most people are good people. However, I did not write the bible, God did (of course, through prophets). I am only a messenger and a believer in God. How can I call myself a Christian and not believe in God’s Word? Would that make me a good Christian or a poor example?

@loudman12 - There is a teaching in the bible that states that people who have never heard the gospel of Christ will be judged based upon their consciences. There is also a teaching that states that people, who have heard the gospel but reject it, will go to hell. Remember, I did not write the bible, so how can you get mad at me? I am only a messenger and a believer in Christ. I knew Christ before I knew His Word. If it were up to me, I would let everyone into heaven but I am not God.

@loudman12 - Therefore, since God made the rules, how can Christians be blamed for believing that atheist will go to hell? If I believe in Christ, how can I not believe in the bible? Personally, I don’t think it is right for a Christian to tell you that you are going to hell or treat you poorly. Since, Christians are not God, what right or authority do they have to immediately judge you? Judging is God’s job, not ours.

@loudman12 - There are many Christians are so hung up with religiosity instead of a relationship with Christ that they judge others based upon rules and regulations (appearances and performance) instead of loving others as God would. Just remember the OT was written to Israel, for Israel and the NT was written to Christians, for Christians.

@loudman12 - So, the possible reason that you have difficulty understanding the bible is because it was written to believers, for believers. Therefore, since you are not a believer, it was not meant for you to understand. How can you, being an atheist, possibly relate? Unfortunately, you cannot. Therefore, my advice is to stop reading the bible and seek out a pastor to speak with so he can share the gospel with you, one on one, face to face, mouth to ear.

@MartyJSwizzle I dont have any problem understanding the bible, as unlike believers I dont justify the silly stories in the bible. Pastor or none there is no way that he can justify slavery, genocide, rape, infantiside, etc.... If as a atheist I dont understand this, then I am glad, there is no room in my heart for hate for anyone in this world. Your bible preaches hate aganist another so I consider myself lucky.

@loudman12 - You see, this is the problem. No one is justifying slavery. The bible doesn’t even justify slavery! Where is the world did you get such a frigg’n stupid idea? Just because it’s mentioned in the bible doesn’t mean that it’s justified. The bible does not justify rape, infanticide or genocide either.

@loudman12 - This is the whole problem with atheists and the bible. You’re not trying to understand. The OT slavery mentioned in the bible is NOT the same kind of slavery that was inflicted upon the blacks in America. Slavery in Israel was voluntary. It’s nothing like the slavery of the blacks. Context, context, context.

@MartyJSwizzle I have complete respect for people and their opinions, we are all entitled to them. I accept some atheists are itolerent and dogmatic as well, the knife cuts both ways. I respect you feel no one should go to hell but as you say "God makes the rules". I plan to live my life on the morals my parrents installed in me from an early age. When I die then the truth will be there. If there is a heaven and I have to be judged then if the god you follow is love and peace, I hope he will

@loudman12 judge me on the actions of my life and what was in my heart at the time. I would like to think that though I am not of faith that my intention in life was good. I personally believe that the thought I am born already in sin for actions not in my control 2000 years ago is wrong.

@loudman12 - The bible does not preach hate. Where does it preach hate? Where does it say in the bible that it’s okay to hate people? Where does the bible preach that it’s okay to commit genocide or infanticide? Just because its mentioned in a story does not mean that it’s justified.

Farewell, my atheist friend. I hope you come to your senses before you die.

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