Thursday, February 3, 2011

Intentional Atheism

The following is an online conversation I had with one of my friends on Facebook. I am Jason and Gabriel is my friend. Gabriel had the following status:

Gabriel – “Atheism isn't in direct opposition to Christianity (Christianity is but one in thousands of 'theisms')... Its apposed to Theism, but Atheists like to aim there contempt towards Christianity because it demands the most from them, pride.”

Jason @Gabriel - “Christianity demands humility and servitude, which atheists are devoid of. Just wait, I'll prove it.

Brad - You think atheists in a society composed of mostly buddhists or muslims or mormans would still focus on the few christians? Or are you saying christianity breeds atheism?

Jason @Brad - autonomism breeds atheism.

Andrew @ Jason – “I like you man so please do not side with this comment, it is so outrageous i don't even know where to start. I am not an atheist and I don't mean to be blunt but I cannot sit by and watch as an uneducated radical slanders an entire community based solely on the fact that they disagree with what he was raised to believe in.”

Jason @Andrew – “I know you are an agnostic. My aim is not at you.”

Andrew @Jason – “Ya but just because I am not the target doesn't mean I am not disturbed by this. Even more that people "like" it.”

‎Jason @Andrew – “Yeah, I can see that. However, coming from the Christian point of view, I can see that Atheists "aim" towards Christianity. Why? because of who we are and what we believe. It's all a matter of tolerance. Christianity should have an unlimited tolerance towards others, who can compare?”

Brad @Jason – “It seems like atheists aim at christians because christians are the majority in our part of the world.”

Jason – “If it wasn't pride that didn't feed the Atheists; then they would never comment ever again on this topic. Unfortunately, that's too much to ask.”

Brad – “I think alot of atheists probably think it is cool or mysterious to not believe in god. Alot of them really believe the world would be better if there was nothing to fight over like that. Something that so many can passionately believe in and kill for but no one can prove. Its likely any atheist any of us have had a discussion with is as young in their beliefs as many of us are about ours.”

Jason – “And, it goes on and on...”

Brad – “I’m not an atheist.”

Jason – “Thats ok Brad, nobody's perfect.”

Jordan - @Jason - "If it wasn't pride that didn't feed the Atheists; then they would never comment ever again on this topic. Unfortunately, that's too much to ask." So wait, Atheists aren't allowed to defend themselves? Defense is prideful?”

Jason @Jordan - “No, humility is the mouth of the martyr, which is a trait of those who are under attack for their belief in God. Pride is in the mouth of the arrogant, who do not know God and only believe in themselves.”

Gabriel – “Would anyone not agree that my first statement in the status is true though? I always see Atheism attacking Christianity, or Atheism vs Christianity. Shouldn't it be Atheism vs Theism? Atheists focus so much on proving Christianity wrong... why not all the other gods? It seems to be like blood in the water for Atheists when you mention the God of the Bible. And Hes the only one out there that offers complete forgiveness AND adoption. And Jesus laid down the two most important rules for a 'real-christian' to follow, Love God and Love people... if one truly does this, what is so threatening and insulting?

Not to mention claiming the position/title of Atheism is self defeating... no one can claim such an absolute statement like that. the word "atheism" does not say, "i believe all gods are false" (that would mean you would have to believe that one is, the opposite of false is true and the only way to know something is false is to know the truth), or even, "i do not believe in god" (believe is an opinion, a worldview, a religion), but "there absolutely is not and cannot be a god" (that is what the Latin word "atheism" means. Would it be so terribly humble to admit that one is an agnostic, i could respect that alot more.”

Jason @Gabriel - Yes, Gabe. To make an absolute claim proves absolute truth.
Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

Then I get a private message sent from someone named Daniel:

“I don't know you at all. I am not an Atheist. I am a Christian. However, you need to check your mouth, and stop giving Christians a bad name.

"Christianity demands humility and servitude, which atheists are devoid of. Just wait, I'll prove it."

I suggest you do so, because as far as I'm concerned, "humility" does not consist of making generalizations about a large group of people.

"Christianity should have an unlimited tolerance towards others, who can compare?"

Try it, hypocrite. Tolerance does not consist of calling out people of other beliefs on the internet.

"If it wasn't pride that didn't feed the Atheists; then they would never comment ever again on this topic. Unfortunately, that's too much to ask."

Again, hypocrisy. You think you're serving God by saying such foolish, close-minded things? This isn't some cosmic wrestling match. This is you intentional pushing people away from our God, something you will be accountable for when you die.

"Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'"

Scripture doesn't count in an argument with someone who doesn't believe in Scripture. Try open-mindedness, that might work a little better.

Anyhow, you are not a messenger of the word of God. You are a condescending bigot that will do much to prove what some Atheists believe: That we Christians are unintelligent and close-minded.”

Then Daniel sends a second private message with only this:


My replay is “Yes Daniel, you don’t know me.”

The thing that Daniel doesn't realize is that everything he was accusing me of, he was doing to me. Daniel called me a "hypocrite," twice. He said I was making a generalized judgment about a group of people but Daniel thought it was acceptable to make a personal judgment about me based upon a few sentences I wrote. The thing Daniel doesn't understand is why and from what perspective were my statements coming from. So, based upon a few of my statements and without understanding my perspectives or point of views, Daniel has come to the conclusion that:

1. I am a hypocrite
2. I lack humility
3. I am not a messenger of God
4. I am condescending
5. I am a bigot
6. I am close-minded
7. I am intolerant
8. I am unintelligent

Who looks like the hypocrite now?

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