Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear LGBTQIA Persons

The first thing I want to let you know is that Christians are NOT supposed to be making judgmental statements or jokes about you, your lifestyle or sexual preferences. The second thing is that we are not supposed to be grouping you all in one category and assume that you are feel the same way and all agree with each other. I would hope that you all would do the same with us Christians.

Let me remind you that under the Law given to Israel from God, it says:

Leviticus 18:22 – “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.”

Leviticus 20:13 – ““If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.”

Now, I can’t speak for all the other Christians in the world but I do know what we are all “supposed” to be doing. So, with that in mind let me inform you all of this. Did you know that there are homosexual Christians, Bi-sexual Christians, Lesbian Christians and Transgender Christians? Well, there are and they will go to heaven, and you will not. They will go to heaven because they have trusted in Christ for their salvation. They have trusted and believed in Christ despite their sexual and lustful weaknesses. They have realized that they ARE sinners and that there is nothing “good” that they can do in order to earn or buy their way into heaven. If you have repented of your old selfish ways and “dead works” life, and have believed in Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you will have eternal life and be in heaven.

They have laid down their arms, so to speak, and have given themselves over to Christ and have accepted Christ as their sin substitute. They understand that Jesus Christ paid their sin penalty for them, for all eternity. Did you think that Jesus came to earth to start another hypocritical, bigoted, useless man-made religion that is practically worthless except to those who believe in it? No. The whole purpose of God coming to earth was to live a holy life as Christ, die as an innocent man and to be raised to life after being dead 3 days in the tomb! Yes, Jesus came to earth to save you! Would you rather be a gay going to hell or a gay going to heaven?

For you straight [heterosexual] skeptics, let me ask you this; are you worthy of heaven or hell? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever taken something that wasn’t your? So, you are a lying thief according to God’s standard. Why do you judge others who sin differently than you? How do you expect to get into heaven if you keep sinning? But, you cannot stop sinning, can you? Yes, you can have victory in the penalty of sin and you can have the power to help you overcome but as long as you live in your fleshly body, you will continue to sin until the end. What makes you different from any other sinner? So, what makes you think that a sinner like you can get into heaven but a lesbian cannot? Aren’t you both sinners? Yes, but it is only by repentance and believing in Christ to pay the price for your homosexuality and lying and thieving that you will make it into heaven. But, please don’t use Jesus as fire insurance. Let’s make sure your salvation is genuine, okay?

So, just to let the LGBT communities know; yes, the Christians who follow biblical principles will not agree with your personal choices to continue in your gay lifestyle. However, it’s really none of our business what you do behind closed doors. And, out of respect for others [if you have any respect for others], you should not be pushing your sexual preferences down the throats of society either. And, even though Christians don’t agree with your choices, that doesn’t mean that they hate you.

Allow me to say again; Christians do NOT hate the LGBTQIA Community [Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual.]. As a matter of fact, we love you! You guys and gals are the best example of God’s truth, mercy and grace. Jesus came to save gays, lesbians, transsexuals, straights, liars, murderers, thieves, adulterers, fornicators and all the other sins that seem natural to every man and woman. Just to let you all in a secret, that includes every man and woman of every race, nation, creed and color that calls them selves human. How can Christians hate the people Jesus came to save? That just doesn’t make any sense.

Now, you may be wondering; if homosexuality is a sin and so is adultery, then how can I get into heaven?
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Doesn’t that include just about everyone in the world? So, who will be saved? 
Paul continued with 1 Corinthians 6:11, “Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

Thus, you should turn from a life of sinning [not just homosexuality, but lying and thieving too] and trust in Jesus that He became sin for you, paid your penalty for sinning against God and for nailing your sins to the cross on Him. Believe in Jesus Christ and he will save you from eternal separation from God.

Therefore, let me finish this with a final thought. I suspect that as life goes on and time keeps ticking away, the nation of America and others around the world will probably move toward the gradual acceptance and normalcy of homosexuality; some may even call it “the new normal.” But, in the event that people still stand for what they believe, that is, homosexuality is immorally wrong, you still have no right to call them names, verbally assault them or believe they are haters. Unless you know the thoughts of their hearts, you can no more judge them no more than they can judge you. After all, what makes the Gay Community or religious Christians so self-righteous as to believe that they are the only ones who have rights?


Trent said...

Hi! I had to comment on this. I liked the overall article. You said "They have realized that they ARE sinners and that there is nothing “good” that they can do in order to earn or buy their way into heaven." Awesome Agreed!!! but then you said " If you have repented of your old selfish ways and “dead works” life, " which is something they can do. What they need to receive eternal life is only believe in Jesus Christ for what he has offered to all that believe. I thought maybe you had copied from someone else?

Then it said "Thus, you should turn from a life of sinning [not just homosexuality, but lying and thieving too]" which I agree, should be done, but it sounds almost like its something to be done for eternal life.. rather then something to do for rewards!

Then you posted my favorite part "Believe in Jesus Christ and he will save you from eternal separation from God." Is it that easy? Yep, that easy. Jn 3:16, 6:47, 20:30-31 and 1 Tim 1:16

Marty said...

Hey Trent,
No, I didn't copy anything from anyone else except bible verses. If I had, it would have been otherwise noted in quotation marks and given proper credit.

However, to answer the question, I didn't mean it to sound as if repentance was a requirement for salvation. In fact, the only "requirement" for salvation (eternal life) is belief (faith) in Christ.

Let me say again:

The only requirement for eternal life is believing in Christ Jesus.

That is, trusting in who He said He was as God in the flesh who came from heaven, lived a sinless life as a man, died for our sins, was buried in the earth, and to rise to life again in three days, and after 40 days he ascended into heaven and will return someday to receive His people.

You cannot earn eternal life by repentance or any other works from the hands of man, nor is salvation a reward for repentance.

To put it simply, repentance is the result of having a personal relationship with Christ, AFTER one has believed in and received Christ as his or her personal Lord and Savior.

However, if one is not sorry (repentant) for his or her sins committed against God, he or she is not genuine in his or her faith in Christ.

In other words, when one seriously believes in Jesus as God, Lord and Savior of the universe, he or she is led into sorrow for all the wrong things he or she did and thus, begins their personal relationship with Christ by admitting his or her sins. Of course, Jesus is faithful and just to forgive ALL sins if we ask him. It's not that we have too, it's because we want too.

And, is that easy!

I hope I have made myself clear. Thanks Trent for your comment.