Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zombies Ignore Bible Warnings - "Once Saved Always Saved"

This was a post on facebook that I replied to and the responses from Franks "friends" and myself. Frank posted this link (Zombies Ignore Bible Warnings to Stare At Pastors and Believe "Once Saved Always Saved") and this is what was said.

My response to this post.

Me: I believe in "Once Saved, Always saved."

Frank: Link has hundreds of verses showing it is not biblical and the same presumptive lie Eve believe from Satan.

Me: Frank, the way I see it is that if I can't do anything to earn it, then I can't do anything to lose it.

Kim: To be "safe" ... why not live as though salvation can be lost, Jason? I try to be daily congnizant of Christ's suffering for my salvation. I do not want to do anything to demonstrate that His suffering allows me to continue in the flesh without repentance for any ongoing sin-nature that is part of my human-ness. Make sense?

Kim: What good is our own redemption if we continue to behave as the lost do? The main point is to share the good news of the Gospel and the forgiveness of Jesus Christ ... without taking that forgiveness for granted.

Bob: Ever lost or neglected or had a "gift" stolen from u Jason. This is Eternal Life we r talking about, we must listen to what the Scripture says. :).

Steve: ofcourse you belive it jason that way you can have your cake and eat it dont really need to worry abouut holiness and youc an keep indulging in the worldy lifestyle and rock music and other things cause its all good right? any reading of teh first century writtings proives this osas notion to be from the pit of hell

Jason, the modern church has perverted eternal security. the Bible is clear and says that you (I, we) must be found "worthy" of heaven to be saved. this whole belief that there is nothing we do to be saved is a lie too. you have to hear the Word, believe the Word, live the Word, repent and fave faith to be saved and all of those things are things that you do... Paul said, "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"... if we did NOTHING to get to heaven, like the modern apostate church have you believe... then why work out your salvation? doesnt make sense. of course we have things to do. we have to abide. remain in covenent. bear fruit. love our enemies, forgive everyone... you are taking one verse and perverting it and that leads you to believing osas... you have to take the Bible as a whole to come to a conclusion of what it teaches. here a little there a little. precept upon precept. line upon line. the sum of the Word is truth...
Bob: wow a whole bunch of "conditional salvationists" feel free to request my friendship guys.

I love just the way everyone assumes I live a life of sin-filled indulgence without actually knowing my hearts intentions. Steve, rock music is irrelevant just as any other style of music. By the way, only God can judge me so please stop and think before you "assume" anything about me because of my outside appearance.
Everyone else, just because I believe in God's gracious "gift" of eternal salvation does not mean that I abuse it by a sinful lifestyle. Just so you all know, I do pursue holiness every single day and I am working out my own salvation through Christ. I do live as if my salvation can be lost but I don't live my life dwelling on my sin either. Yes, I sin just like you all do, but I know that if I do sin that God is faithful and just to forgive me because of my faith in Christ and what He has done for me. I am found worthy of salvation because of Christ not because of anything I have done. I cannot earn my way into heaven or buy my salvation, I have put my faith and my trust in Christ alone for salvation and it is what He has done for me that makes me right with God. He paid the price for my sins, He died on the cross and spilled His precious blood for me, He was the one who rose from the grave and it is through Him alone that if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that I am saved.

I checked back a few days later and no one commented further.

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