Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Disclaimer

Disclaimer: It is most certainly not my intention to offend, hurt somebody's feelings, upset, insult, be rude to, cause offense or rub anyone the wrong way with this theologically based note. It is not my intention to convert, win over, convince, talk into, induce, persuade, talk round or bring around anyone’s mind about my beliefs or teachings. On the other hand, it is my clear intention to share, communicate, let somebody in on, impart, reveal and disclose my principles, opinions, views, theories and philosophy. It is because of my love for people, teaching the truth taught in the Holy Scriptures and discovering the endless and unfolding knowledge of God that I am compelled to write these things. I personally believe that I am moved and motivated by the Spirit of God to share the great and wonderful news of Christ with those whom I know and have known in the past. It is my heart‘s desire to share the passion I have for the love of Christ, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the heart of God with freedom and liberty. If you are offended or have hurt feelings, have resentment towards me, or irritation, anger, or displeasure by this note; then I humbly and sincerely apologize from the heart with all gentleness and hope that you are able to forgive me beforehand. However, if you find yourself convicted or possibly swayed, or not in anyway offended and have the courage and humility to become different than the way you were before after reading and engaging in this note; then I most certainly commend you. Furthermore, I am delighted to know that because of this, we are able to share in this unique endeavor and great adventure that we call “life.”

1 Corinthians 13:3 - "If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing (New Living Translation)."

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