Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Little Leaven goes a Long Way

1 Corinthians 5:6 - "Know ye not that a little leaven leaventh the whole lump?"

"Christ is not about religion, but about relationship. Religion is man's attempt to get to God. It's based upon self-effort and performance. It puts the focus on us. Relationship is based upon faith and trust, and relying upon the finished work of Jesus.

A little leaven can go a long way. A little legalism, or a little religion, worked into our lives in Christ can blur our perspective of the perfect relationship we have with God that is based solely upon His love and grace." ~ Joel Brueseke (

That's all it takes. Just a little bit of legalism and then it spreads; sometimes it sinks into people's minds and lasts for many years. They will actually think that some things they are doing in church or in their lives are scripturally sound but yet, they are not. We should always go to the Word and rightly divide God's truths and view them in the proper light and perspective, regardless of what we have been taught and have practiced as tradition.

Let's put it this way, the Law is religion, grace is truth and tradition are lies. Just because you have been doing something for so many years, doesn't mean that it's right. Check it and double check it by God's Word...for your own peace of mind.

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