Friday, March 6, 2009

Why does the Bible contain so much Anti-scientific Nonsense?

The author of the question also makes a few statements such as, as an educated person you know that the Bible contains all sorts of information that is total nonsense from a scientific perspective. Some examples are:

~ God did not create the world in 6 days 6000 years ago like the Bible says.
~ There was never a worldwide Flood that covered Mt. Everest like the Bible says.
~ Jonah did not live inside a fish’s stomach for three days like the Bible says.
~ God did not create Adam from a handful of dust like the Bible says.

The author continues with a few more statements such as, these stories are all nonsense and why would an all-knowing God write nonsense?

This is another attempt from an Atheist to set up a strawman argument against Christianity and knock it down.

First of all, the author assumes that the person reading the question is educated. Second, the author assumes that “you know” that the bible contains all sorts of information that is total nonsense from a scientific perspective. Third, the author assumes that the information in the bible is nonsense. Fourth, the author assumes that these stories do not come from a “scientific perspective.”

The first silly example, “God did not create the world in 6 days 6000 years ago like the Bible says.” What I want to know is, how does he know that? I mean, is the skeptical author God himself? On what authority does this skeptical author speak from? Now we have atheists telling Christians what they should or should not believe?! Was the author of this question or any other scientists living today alive when the earth was created? No. There’s actually more scientific evidence of a young earth than there is of an older earth.

Who would you believe more? A man who was never there to witness creation and doesn’t believe in God, or the person who actually created the earth, space and time and He wrote it down so future generations would know how He did it and He also created the man who was not there in the beginning?

Who is greater, the servant or the master? What kind of arrogance can this be?!

The evolutionists believe that 18-20 billion years ago all the matter in the entire universe was compacted and compressed into a tiny dot, no bigger than the period on this page, and they claim that this dot came from nothing. They also believe that this infinitesimal region (the dot of dirt) was spinning real fast and suddenly it exploded and we now have everything. So, Christians believe “In the beginning God,” and the evolutionists (Atheists) believe “In the beginning dirt.” So, tell me, which one sounds more like a fairy tale?

This whole issue reminds me of Satan as he appeared in the Garden of Eden to Eve when he questioned, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? In other words, “Did God say? (Genesis 3:1).” Satan created doubt in the mind of Eve and questioned God’s Word. This scoffing author is just like Satan in a sense, of causing people to doubt God’s Word.
How do we determine truth? By what the God hater says? How about the popular majority of brainwashed scientists who believe in Evolution? How about the opinions of popular religious leaders? Is truth determined by what they say or what God’s Word says?

For thousands of years, many secular scientists believed that a heavier and bigger rock would fall faster than a smaller stone. Well, we know today that they were wrong. If released from the same height and at the same time, the truth is that they fall at the same rate and land at the same time. The truth was determined by using the Scientific Method, not by the popular majority opinion of scientists in those days.

These are some questions you should ask yourself:

Is the evidence found today being interpreted with a biblical perspective or worldly perspective?
Do the scientists living today decode evidence based upon presuppositions or by the Scientific Method?

Have Atheists and Evolution supporters done their own study and research or are they hell bent on debunking Creationism, the bible and Christianity no matter what the costs, even if it cost them their eternal soul?

Exodus 20:11 - “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.” (KJV)

The other issues will be dealt with at a later time.

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