Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Religion Club

I'm tired of religion. Let me explain, I'm NOT tired of church or being a part of a church family or living the life of a committed Christian. I'm just tired of people thinking that they are better than others because they have been a Christian longer, have been on various missionary trips, faithfully tithe 10% of their income weekly or have been teaching Sunday school for 20 years. Sure, they may be more knowledgeable and more spiritually mature but that doesn't give them a license to "lord" it over people. I'm not angry or trying to offend anyone, I’m just a little frustrated. This is just one thing about Christianity that forces me to search the truths found only in Scripture.

Since when did a certain amount of time qualify someone as having more knowledge, wisdom or a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? The disciples knew Jesus for many years and when the time came to stand, they all chickened out and ran away when the guards came to get him in the garden of Gethsemane. Is it possible that a Christian who came to Christ only 5 years ago is more spiritually mature than a Christian of 30 or 40 years? Sure, any Christian can stop growing spiritually. As a matter of fact, some Christians never get past “baby milk” teaching.

Over the years that I have been a Christian, I have noticed a few things about people who are "religious." First, let me define what I believe being "religious" is.

Being "religious" or "religion" is defined by the act of exchanging inner truths for external performance. In other words, being religious is trying to work, earn or buy your way into favor with God or adhering to certain rules and behaviors that keep people under huge burdens, laws or control.

The Pharisees and Sadducees were famous in the New Testament for being overly zealous religious fanatics, and Jesus couldn’t stand it! Do you know how many times Jesus pronounced "woes" on those religious people in Jesus' time?

For one, they immediately judge people based upon an assumption without knowing the full facts. They will tell people that their not a good Christian because they don't look like they do. His hair is too long, his clothes are not up to “Sunday Best” standards and his family is poor. Jesus hated religious people too. Of course, Jesus never hated the person individually but only what they had become because of it. Religion is like an exclusive club that only certain people can be a part of.

"Did you ever have a club when you were in elementary school? Remember how it works? Two or three people decide to start a club and they think of a name and a place to meet and then they think of who they're going to let in. Only certain people can be members of the club. You have to be smart enough or tough enough or you have to wear clothes from the right overpriced store. Nobody ever questions whether the leaders of the club even deserve to be in it, they just are. So a club is exclusive. And then come the rules.

When kids make clubs they come up with the most arbitrary and stupid rules; rules that are designed to exclude some people and include themselves. And that's what religion is like, too. Some people get into the church and then they get the idea that no one else is good enough. They take it upon themselves to make sure that people don't get into the club unless they wear a suit or a dress, know all about the Bible, never cuss, chew or go with girls who do. Those are the people who are telling you that you can't smoke a cigarette out on the church lawn. They're saying that if you drink on Saturday night, you better not show up for church on Sunday morning. Religion is about saying the right things and acting the right way. Religion is about always showing up for the club meetings on Sunday and Wednesday.

Religion is about doing things and excluding people, being proud of yourself and looking down on other people and enforcing rules on other people. In a word, religion (as I've defined it) is about FEAR. And I'm tired of religion. Do you who else was tired of religion? Jesus. The religious people of his time were always ticked off at him because he didn't follow their rules. They said if you want to be in the club, you always have to wash your hands a certain way before you eat. They said if you want to be in the club you have to take Saturday off (and they had detailed rules about how much work you could do).

If you want to be in the club, stay away from certain people, like hookers, crooks. But what did Jesus do? He ate with dirty hands. He healed people and did other work on the Sabbath. And those people club members (Pharisees) avoided, he hung out with them."

"The church is not a place for perfect people to come and all act the same. It's not a place to enforce rules on each other and judge each other. It's a place for people to come when they're sick, scared, ashamed, worried, sinful, hateful, drunk, crooked, slutty, stoned, prideful or dishonest. And all of us who are sick come so we can meet the doctor, the only one who can help us. The saddest thing is when we finally get the courage to come to the hospital and get some help and all some people find is a snobby club." The church is a family and we need to stick together and never let favoritism, tradition and legalism become an infestation in our church congregations.” (Reference:

The Pharisee of Jesus' day was the worst kind of religious person. They were just like some of the “religious” people in today's Christian churches. The Pharisees were zealous of the Law (Acts 15:5), outwardly moral (Luke 18:11), rigid in fasting (Luke 5:33), active is proselytizing (Matthew 23:15), fond of distinguished titles (Matthew 23:7-10) and very particular in paying all dues (Matthew 23:23). Don't be a Pharisee! I know a man who was once told that if he didn’t tithe faithfully, he could not be in a position of servant hood in the church and that his finances would be cursed.

I love Jesus and he loves me. He died for people like me. He died for those who know they are sinners and who aren't afraid to tell people about Jesus. When Jesus looks at me, does He see me the way other Christian do? No, Jesus sees the heart of a man and knows all things. There is nothing hidden from Him. Who are you to judge me except for the one who sits at the judgment seat? I will let Jesus Christ be my judge, for I was created to please Him and not men. I am free in Christ Jesus and He shall guide my paths. I have been set free from the chains of religious bondage.

Galatians 5:1 - “Christ has really set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law (NLT).”

I simply desire truth, fellowship, family and freedom in Christ Jesus. Years ago, I used to attend a church that seemed to only care about money and I hated it. Every week there was a sermon about giving money to the church or tithing and it really bothered me. I believe tithing is a good principle but just like anything good, the devil can turn tithing into something bad, like greed and extortion. I didn't hate the people or the church, but I did hate what some of the people had become because of the money and greed.

These "religious" people were friendly at first but when they found out that I was poor and didn't tithe or give regularly like them, they stopped associating with me and shunned me by leaving me out of things and events in the church. They treated me as if I had the plague and no matter how I wanted to serve the body of Christ, they ignored me and left me out of church activities. I was really hurt and it has bothered me throughout the years.

Jesus exemplified this whole issue with the woman and the two mites. She gave what she had and Jesus counted it as all. It was more than all the others who gave out of their excess. As for myself, I have given all I have back to Jesus. I have given my family, my life, my job and everything that God has given me.

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